Spring Break is March 17 - 21, 2025.  We will see you back on Monday, March 24!
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A Harding teacher points at a whiteboard as students sit listening.

The health services staff at Harding Middle School is here to care for students during the school day. The health clinic is open during school hours

Student illness during the school day

Students are sent to the health office if they are injured or appear ill. An attempt will be made to understand the student’s complaint. This may include asking the student some questions about how they feel, taking a temperature, making observations, talking to the teacher, and contacting the school nurse. If the student’s temperature is 100°F or over, the parent/guardian will be called and the student will be sent home. The student should be fever free without fever reducing medication before returning to school.

Temperature is not the only symptom that influences the decision to send the student home; general appearance and functioning are important factors. After a period of observation, a decision will be made to do one of the following:

  • Call the parent/guardian
  • Allow the student to rest in the health office for a brief period
  • Return the student to classroom instruction

Parents will also be notified of injuries which appear to require close observation or medical attention.

Need to fax immunization records or any other health forms?  Our fax number is:  319-409-8426

Key Contacts

Brenda Gifford

Health Secretary

Amy Duggan

School Nurse